We believe…
· In the verbal, plenary inspiration of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.
· In God’s preservation of His Word through the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the
Greek Textus Receptus. That the King James Version is the preserved Word of God
in the English language.
· That the Bible is the Word of God and not that it just contains the Word of God.
The Bible therefore is the only infallible authority for both doctrine and life.
It is the special revelation of God and is the only basis for true Christian unity and
for our stand on every issue.
· In one true God, manifest in three distinct yet equal persons of the Godhead: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.
· That God created the world in six, literal twenty-four hour days, and created the
universe out of nothing.
· That all mankind is sinful, in need of salvation, and is unable to save themselves.
· That Christ died for the sins of all mankind; and, that salvation is by grace, through
faith alone, based upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.
· In the bodily resurrection of Christ, and His bodily ascension into heaven where He
now intercedes for believers.
· In the reality of heaven, hell and the lake of fire.
· That man was created as a responsible being and as such, he has the freedom to
choose to accept or resist the grace of God.
· In the eternal security of the believer.
· That the local church is an assembly of immersed believers and is God’s ordained
institution to carry out the Great Commission.
· That the two ordinances of the local church are Believer’s Baptism by immersion, and
the memorial of the Lord’s Supper.
· In the pre-tribulational rapture of all believers at the appearing of Christ in the air.
· In the bodily return and millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ after the tribulation
· In the obligation of every believer to live a holy life and to witness to the lost of the
saving power of Jesus Christ.
· That as Bible believers, we must take a Biblical stand against the current trends that
lead to the discrediting of the Bible, undermining the fundamentals of the faith, and
blurring the lines of separation from the world in standards of music, dress, and
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